Tampa MetroMix

Tampa MetroMix


MetroMix Tampa Bay is an online city magazine, covering events, music, food, and entertainment throughout the Bay area. Danielle Hope Hier, one of their journalists, found our entry about spicy tuna rolls and interviewed me about the basics of Japanese cuisine. Primarily, my focus is on French techniques mixed with international flavors and ingredients, but it was fun to talk about the building blocks and tradition of Japanese food. In a lot of ways, France and Japan are similar, from the emphasis on presentation and refinement, to flavor and quality of ingredients. Both cultures have many regional recipes which use every available part of a protein or vegetable. Coincidentally (or perhaps not...), Japan and France rate among the nations with the least heart disease per capita.

The article can be found here: http://tampabay.metromix.com/restaurants/article/food-101-spicy-tuna/1317206/content

Battle Brown Sugar

Battle Brown Sugar

Battle POM!

Battle POM!